XV Fortune

As mentioned before, within the XV Aesthetics umbrella, I am in the works of formulating a platform for XV Fortune. Where I see XV Fortune landing will be a new breakthrough in several areas. Other than providing tarot card readings, I am diving into more areas that integrate more creative outlooks, too.

From all my painting explorations, I’ve found several techniques and methods when it comes to playing with paint and other media on canvas. This has opened the doors to what several people I hope will be a phenomenal outlook. In this current timeline, I am researching and developing artwork for my own set of tarot cards to be made! There’s quite the amount of work that I am taking on, but it will be a project that I know will be so satisfying and fulfilling. This will also take the XV Fortune platform to a whole new level. By integrating the use of my own cards in my readings, it will be a perfect connection that will come full-circle.

So, what’s the plan? Well, right now, the goal-plan is as follows. TBD based on several other factors, but this is a rough timeline:

  • Current - R+D creative card design and deck aesthetics
  • End of July - Finalize Major Arcana card artwork
  • Mid-August - Introduce XV Fortune on social media platform
  • End of August - Finalize Minor Arcana card artwork
  • Mid-September - Finalize back of deck artwork with packaging creative design
  • End of September - Final look at all creative artwork
  • October - Begin instructions/manual of card descriptions
  • End of October - Finalize instructions/manual of card descriptions
  • End of November - Finalize product vendor and sample order card deck for quality control
  • Integrate to XV Fortune social media platform with sample card decks (preview)
  • Beginning of December - Finalized card decks available to order on XVITALDESIGNS.com under XV Aesthetics/XV Fortune umbrella.

It may seem like an easy to-do list, but with so much thought in customizing and portraying my art on each card is going to be intense work. In addition to also keeping up with the XV Fortune overall strategy—-which I know I haven’t mentioned much, but there also will be a tie-in to the LOVE ALWAYS, XV branding that I am excited to share. But that’s for another time. Stay tuned for that timeline!

I hope this is an insightful look into what new things I have in the upcoming months! Keep an eye on XV and I’m sure you’ll be developing your own signature sight sooner than you think!

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