Define XV

So you're probably wondering what the hell is this XV all about, right? Well, in a sense it’s one of those things that cannot be directly defined. But fret no more, I am here to break it down and share with you it’s origins. Are you ready for it?! Be forewarned, but it is about to be a whole Wiki-read situation to how and why all this is a thing.

To start, how do we define X? Let’s flashback to basic algebra. Here, we are usually looking for the value of x, otherwise known as an unknown. Throughout history there have been other instances of X. I find it fitting that this enigmatic letter is appropriated through so many ways in our lives. For example, take this quote, “In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable.” If you’re one to appreciate the integrity of the final installment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II, these are said by Aro, Michael Sheen’s character. He states this to his crowd of vamps trying to convince them that there is potential danger to the unknown. Well, he was wrong. We need to stop being afraid and go in search for what makes the unknown so alluring. Immerse yourself in a blindfolded Bird Box moment and thrive. The unknown should not be feared, but embraced. Consequently, the context of X defined within XVITALDESIGNS, is simply how I encourage you to explore for yourself in your own way. No rules, no regulations, no stipulations. Make the unknown known to you and relish in it like you just found a hidden wonder of the world. 

The V’s have it. Not to point out the obvious, but the letter V holds strong meaning to me. Aside from it being a part of my last name, it also takes from the literal word, vital. Simply defined as something that is described as important, necessary, or essential. It also is affiliated with liveliness and energy. I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to understand how this definition is just self explanatory in association with my overall personality.

Random, let’s add some fun facts about the letter V. In my life, there are many appropriations where V is used. I think a highlighted memory is when I found out how my grandparents had definitely took the letter V in Vital and committed to it. They decided that when naming their children, each child would begin with the letter V. Each V name is then followed by a short handed defining phrase or significance that gives each child their own special identity. So for instance, my dad’s name is loosely translated as “Vital loving son”. This definitely puts my grandparents up there on the list for being unique and quite creative.

Let the story time begin from this point on. I’ll be perfectly honest, I’m not one to be the religious type. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school for years, but I think that when I realized that there were more than one religion I drifted away. Now, before there is an angry mob of haters about to criticize me, just know that in no way shape or form am I bashing religion. I simply do not practice regularly.

Once I started learning about other religions, I began to realize that it’s all really the same to me. Side note, anyone who is religious, please know that I respect your views, I just simply do not need a sermon about it. Plain and simple. Through this path of learning about different religions, I found out that the concept of spirituality was a dual factor. This then lead to understanding that there was a broader spectrum to religion that was an adjacency. 

Primitive as it maybe, but I am fascinated with the beginnings of old school mythology. Ideally, mythology is the stepping stone to what religion and spirituality is today. Rather than one entity to worship it placed gods, goddesses and other affiliates as a specific source to turn to based on current situations. Regardless of people believing that this is true or false, that’s on them. Now that the mythology statement is established, I’ll bring it back on course.

Through my stages of understanding spirituality, I am very much into the ideas and concepts that stem from the art of divination. From numerology, astrological horoscopes, runes, and tarot cards, it is an endless fascination. For me, I am more drawn to tarot cards and readings. I’m not trying to say I’m the next Miss Cleo, but I turn to the cards as a guideline to mentally get my mind back on track—also it keeps it fun. I even formulated my own spread that I am proud of. However, when I do translate readings, it all makes sense and shows the common alignments. I’ll go into detail on this at a later time. However, if curiosity is getting the best of you, ask one of my friends. A reading from me is definitely an eye-opener.

Anyways, you're probably wondering why I babbled on for the past few paragraphs about all this, but it is getting there. *“Gird your loins”—name that movie! So, each tarot card from the major arcana has a corresponding zodiac sign affiliated with it. Since I am a Capricorn, my card is the fifthteenth card of this part of the deck—The Devil. Did anyone just hear a gasp? Let’s now go into the significance of this card.

The Devil card is marked with XV in many tarot decks. In the tarot, this card is significant of a warning. I like to think about it as a mental note suggesting that there are strong desires and powers that you possess. However, one must know how to navigate this in order to effectively grasp its potential. It’s about understanding yourself and being confident in all the aspects that involve ambitions, commitments and resourcefulness. This card is also associated with notions of sense and ego. 

This concept is the origin of XVITALDESIGNS. Personally, I have gone through the motions and rollercoastered my way through my own hell and back. And on this road to 2020–when all vision should be clear, I cannot (pardon my language) fuck up anymore. Not to say that I plummeted lower than the toilet bowl, but this brand literally defines me aesthetically as designer. It represents a harmony and balance. It also brings about qualities of nurturing, adventure and charisma.

If you begin to break down fifteen to the numbers 1 and 5, it is significant of the leadership and pleasure. As I mentioned before, The Devil card in the tarot could serve as a warning sign if there is somewhat of an imbalanced that is in need of correction or tending to.

I maybe going off on a tangent for a second, but also in Roman numerals, X is defined as the number ten. For me, I take this as a sign that it is significant to my family—in particular, referring to my cousins. So, it may be a bit out of context, but know that when referring to my cousins that although some of us may have siblings, collectively when we speak about all of us, we are a group of ten. 

So that’s it. All these parts and pieces are the origins of how XVITALDESIGNS came to be and what it represents. It is an explorational understanding of finding that unknown importance in your life. It is a sense or a feeling that encourages you to dig deep to find an essential connection. In other words, it’s vital.

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