Pardon the cliche, but it has been a day. Make those days, moreso months. Actually, let’s just say years in the making. Through all my experiences in life from upbringing, lifestyle, friends and family, work, and choices, I can finally be proud of what I am able to show.
I feel that I have always been waiting for that ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ moment—I’m sure we all been waiting for it. However, I think my road to the year 2020 has been filled with the best and worst of ups and downs. All the more to keep me driven to always keep pushing myself creatively in my own way.
Developing this brand has been a very personal journey for me. Inspired by nostalgic memories and feelings with the philosophy of continuing to create outside the box. Explore and delve into finding what speaks to you. Not to say that this is an ending, but definitely a start to a new beginning.
No words can describe how appreciative I am of every person who has supported me through the moments that have impacted my world. You are the reason to why I strive to keep learning and growing to bring about the very best of myself.
With that, I encourage you to explore and see what calls out to you. Expand the senses. Make it your own. Origin through new shapes and engulf yourself in those feelings.
Love always, XV