
In fashion, we are told how powerful the idea of a printed design can be a very personal notion for every single person. We are all different human beings with likes and dislikes. Consequently, we gravitate towards that gut feeling. 

Taking a step back after the initial launch of XVITALDESIGNS, I saw an opening in creating a dynamic motif that could be integrated into the Signature Series. By taking the existing logo and enhancing it through a frame the Art Deco motif was born. Formulating a patterned print enables you to look further through the shapes to establish another connection.

Existing brands out there also take this concept and begin to dictate a myriad of opportunities for themselves. Notice these motifs as you start to peruse through shops and online sites this holiday season. Every now and again, you’ll begin to see how motifs can bring about new dynamic to their essentials or basics. 

Overall, I really wanted to enable you to form your own connection with this motif additions and see how you welcome print to your life. There’s that idea to keeping things fresh and exciting. Although a bit out of context, remember that even ABBA said it well, “Gotta put me to the test. Take a chance on me.”

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