
Through this exploration I wanted to be able to keep a constant, yet iconic look and feel. Being able to convey a strong message needed to solidify the upbringings of XV. In doing so, the Signature Series was coming to life.

Let’s rewind back to the mid-90’s to my time in grade school. I think at a young age I began to grasp the concept of aesthetics through creative outlooks. I was particularly obsessed when it came to penmanship. Print, I guess for me, was played out and I anticipated learning cursive—a stepping stone that showed you could not only write, but also read this form of handwriting.  All the fluidity of the loops and motions of the wrist that any writing utensil would produce was all the more captivating for me in attempts to master this basic style of handwriting.

Now, let’s fast forward to the millennium. This may sound uber obsessive, but yet again I got bored with looking at the basic cursive lettering. I would begin to take certain letters and begin to play with a new look I could create. Also, at the time I was very much into integrating my zodiac star sign, Capricorn, since it worked perfectly as a the letter ‘V’. Before you say it, yes, 100% basic bish, I know—hey, it was the 90’s.

After getting this style perfected in my own way, I then began to develop how my signature would look. Among the piles of paper which I profusely had written on, I finally found what I believed to be my official signature. 

All this leading to probably one of the lamest reasons to why I decided to make my signature a big deal. Super dorky, but all this perfecting of an official signature was solely to ensure that when the day came to get my driver’s license, I would then have the most beautiful signature. 

Why is this so important? Honestly, how else do you make your mark on something? We all begin to sign or initial with a simple signature. It’s contractible currency that’s yours. With your seal of approval, you’ve checked all the boxes. So when you begin to explore our Signature Series, know that every single item in this assortment has been graphically crafted to obtain my personal seal of approval.

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