XV Color Theory

There has been much insight when it comes to developing the right brand colors to emulate while putting together this brand. When I was in fashion school, one of the courses was Color Theory. This once a week night class was ever so helpful to understanding hues of colors along with the lack there ofs. Also, learning that ‘mud’ is a color mix of all primaries from the one and only Ms. Sophia is probably one highlight I can never forget.

Anyways, I knew that I wanted to, first, keep with a standard Signature set of colors (in this case, neutrals)—black (000000) and white (FFFFFF). Then carefully build on finding ancillary colors that would be part of this brand story. In psychology, it’s mentioned that color has a way of emoting feelings.

When I first launched XVITALDESIGNS, many of my friends had questioned what it was about. I was told, “Yeah, I’d love to share, but I don’t even really know what it’s about.” That’s it though. I wanted to launch with this sense of mysteria and wonder. If you haven’t already read my previous blogs, take a gander. It’ll make more sense.

Now that there was an overcast of mystery, no better then to bring about illumination from the shadows. It’s all psychological. How does XV fit into your life? How do you interpret it? Shed some light on the matter at hand!

This then brings me to introducing the ancillaries. For one, I love a mustard color. The hue of this saturated yellow is not only bold and bright, but can still transition (in my opinion) from season to season. Finding that right mustard hue (DBB529) was a bit easier than expected. It was the first hue that became part of the brand that expresses an energy.

Secondly, I knew that there needed to be balance. What a better way to bring depth with a green. Side note, HDTV has taught me that introducing green—whether it be pops of color or actually greenery in an interior design setting brings that type of depthness. Don’t believe me? Go ahead, question the all-knowing Joanna Gaines. Now, I’m very particular with this shade of green. I knew I didn’t want anything too yellow, nor too blue. A deep forest green (065A06) that was strong enough to not be dull. 

Finally, around the holiday time it was pivotal to finding the perfect shade of red. Something that wasn’t too fire truck and not too maroon or wine. Also, something that could complement the other ancillary color choices. After some careful consideration, a red (920E10), was selected. To me it was almost reminiscent of a slightly burnt berry wine. And even if you don’t think it it, I for sure thought that. And, ta-da! Creativity in red is what was needed to bring together this trifecta of ancillary colors.

I apologize for those who probably thought that was a snoozefest of information. However, know you know that each color not only was selected with intention, but with great reasoning.

Explore our XV Signature Color Additions in our collections and notice that some items have a sneak peak of this Spring/Summer’s launch of the XPLORE Series! More info to come!

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