XV Icons + XV Signature Sight

Not many people may know much about me or how my thought process works, but I can say that it’s always constantly thinking of so many facets of life. Is this the best decision? Does that make sense? How can this better me in any way? When it comes to me going about my everyday life, it especially pushes further through my XV exploration. There’s a uniqueness that I’m sure we all possess that we get that makes us tick and function, but it’s somehow (and not trying to sound corny) iconic. 


Minute backstory, as difficult or easy it may be for some, I appreciate Shakespeare in all his writings. Granted, most of the time there’s a moment that mentions apparitions, The Fates or a soothsayer, I immediately gravitate towards. In Julius Cesar, the infamous one liner that I connect with is from Act I, Scene II where the Soothsayer says, “Beware the ides of March.” To me, I treat this as a weird holiday in my book. Other side note, any Friday the 13th that appears on the calendar (which I also consider a holiday) I celebrate by wearing my black cat scarf from the Phillip Lim for Target collection. Stupid, maybe, but you get the concept. So why should the ides of March be any different? 


For me, I take this day as a mental note that basically says, “Ayo, time to evaluate things and step back—this is your soothsayer warning.” Not trying to say this is the only time for self evaluation, but why not have a milestone and relish in it. Anyways, it’s a personal iconic moment that I’ve taken and made it my own with a personal connection. 


A lot of things have happened over the past few years. Nothing I regret, but always appreciate what I’ve learned or have been able to integrate into whatever I do. For example, after years of not being directly in the fashion industry, I was able to push through and make a fashion collection that so happened to showcase on the Ides of March. A very good majority of this collection was concepted, drafted, prototyped, finalized and fitted all within a three-week hustle. Also, at the time, I was at a point in my life where I needed to do this for me. Moreso to give me that validation that I didn’t waste my talents that I wished to pursue post business school that I wasn’t using daily. And in all fairness, I know my own personal capabilities considering I also completed my senior collection within a similar time frame. Granted, I’m not a couture house atelier by any means, but I have my own personal standards when it comes to my work ethic and when I put my heart and devotion, it comes out.


From the previous blog stories I have posted in the beginning of this month of March, I went through so much in putting my personal and learned skills of life and career experiences, but also learned concepts from both business and fashion school into the design and products in XV’s collections. So today, on this snaztastical day that is the Ides of March, I am proud to introduce to you the XV Signature Icons. Not only will you see some of the already branded icons like the XV Signature logo, Love Always script, and Motif patterns, but also some new additions! Please welcome in their official debut the following XV Signature Icon additions: Signature Sight Icon, Peace Out Icon, and XV Bisous Icon. 


This is the first collection drop solely dedicated to my own signature and iconic staple accessory, the scarf. This go-to item can be well versed in so many ways. Adorn your neck with a scarf to complement your outfit. Add a scarf to your bag as an accessory accent. Wrap your head as a turban or bandana. Whichever way honestly floats your boat, this item is so versatile, you are only limited by your imagination. Primarily, in this holiday spirit, the XV Signature Sight is the ides star. However, stay tuned for more info in the later months about the Peace Out and XV Bisous icons!


Also, if you’ve previewed the newest collections prior to this launch you will see that there has been a new color addition that teased its way into some products. With the MMXX+ mentality and psychological color theory background, along with honoring Pantone’s Classic Blue (Color of the Year 2020), the XV Signature Colors welcomes the color blue. This blue coloration (08268A) has been inspired from a photo I have taken of the sky at twilight on one of my past adventures. With its deep hues of blue, I knew that this would not only complement the existing colors, but filled a void needed in the spectrum of XV. This particular blue also is meant to represent emotion.


Few random fun fact, in keeping with the whole Ides backstory and the year of 2020/clear vision, the concept of the iconic Clear Eyes 90’s commercial guy (Ben Stein) and his very iconic role played in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) just ironically kept playing in the back of my head. You know you hear it now, too. You also could have possibly heard me mention my love of the weather notion which I call “carnival weather”. To me, this not only involves the outdoor temperatures that are determined by needing a light hoodie or jacket, but also the color of the sky from twilight to sundown experienced (and somewhat enhanced) within a carnival setting. Nostalgia for days, am I right? And my shared obsession with a few of my friends where on a rainy day wanting to binge watch the whole Twilight Saga because it makes sense.


Okay, so now back on track… The XV Signature Sight Icon came about when I was personally researching concepts of the Evil Eye and Hamsa for a tattoo I have on my wrist. Now, I understand that there are so many details from various cultures to superstitions, but all in all, what notion stuck with me the most is the concept that the Evil Eye stares back at the world to shield you from negativity or harm. So fitting for the Ides of March, egh? Enough babbling from me, I invite you to now see for yourself! In closing, “Beware the Ides of March” and begin to explore our newest collection, XV Signature Icons, and find out which design you can emotionally connect with! Enjoy!

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