It’s that time of year, BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH! I’ve spoken about this in the past and I cannot reiterate enough how this day is just so iconic to me. It’s a fantastic time as we are in the first few weeks of Spring to start awakening your senses. Take a step back and evaluate your life. Have you driven yourself enough to get you where you are right now? Do you have goals that you’d like to set, and when would you like to attain them? There’s obviously no definite answer, it all comes down to you. You are the determining factor to where you want to be and what you want to get out of life.

I hate to keep referring to the dreaded pandemic, but I think this has placed a perspective on how we are adapting to a world a year since the official shutdowns and quarantines. It’s incredible to see that just a year ago, life was so simple. The routines we’ve developed have changed our daily habits and whether or not we get back to “normal,” we are still going through it together; just a little bit more thoughtfully.

If you want to take a look back in time and understand why this is one of my coveted days, refer back to my previous blog post in our story, XV Icons + XV Signature Sight

Today, I’m happy to share with you a reprisal of our first-ever scarf collection, XV ICONIC. My personal go-to accessory to complement my outfit is to add a personal touch of something interesting and playing with fabric draping and knotting, it is something that keeps the funzies alive and kicking. The versatility of this item is just so endless. And nowadays, I’m sure adding some interest other than a face mask can just take your look to a next-level. 

Our XV ICONIC scarves have been updated a bit to highlight XV motifs and graphics in the best way. Some subtle changes, but nothing too drastic. You’ll see how our signature stripe keeps a minimalistic approach with complementing XV colors.

First and foremost, our XV Signature Sight icon has been updated to a more minimalist design. The update of this design took me back to making some technical designs back at The Art Institute. Keeping clean lines and also integrating the waning gibbous moon phase (it is actually the phase of the moon on XII.XXVIII.MCMLXXXVIII. Also, I wanted to bring in key elements from the Love Always motif. The Love Always heart icon has been made it’s way to be part of the newly updated XV Signature Sight icon! 

In addition to this change, we see that the XV XPLORE motif has integrated the XV blue within it’s design and our Love Always takes on the XV yellow in homage to Pantone Color of the Year, Illuminating. A MMXX+ mantra that the world needs more than ever after all we’ve endured in the past year (okay, maybe few years). And let’s not forget, our newest additions of overlay designs highlighting our XVMOJI graphic and XV Acid Sand graphic.

Explore our XV ICONIC scarf collection and rediscover your XV moment in a new light! 

  • XV Signature Sight with Motif Overlay ICONIC Scarf
  • XV Acid Sand ICONIC Scarf
  • XV Signature Sight ICONIC Scarf
  • XV Bisous ICONIC Scarf
  • XV Love Always ICONIC Scarf
  • XV Signature Motif ICONIC Scarf

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