MMXX+ Intentions

MMXX+  Intentions

It’s that time of the year again… Resolutions tend to be neglected every now again, am I right? I think that this year, it’s time to push further goals and aspirations. Hence, MMXX+ New Year's Intentions for XVITALDESIGNS is a start.

I’ve come across several quotes in my life, one of which I am always drawn to when time call for a change or a new beginning. How fitting that it’s translated, ‘The New Life’ from Italian poet, Dante Alighieri’s La Vita Nuova, published in 1924. 

“𝑰𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉...

Define XV

Define XV

So you're probably wondering what the hell is this XV all about, right? Well, in a sense it’s one of those things that cannot be directly defined. But fret no more, I am here to break it down and share with you it’s origins. Are you ready for it?! Be forewarned, but it is about to be a whole Wiki-read situation to how and why all this is a thing.

To start, how do we define X? Let’s flashback to basic algebra. Here, we are usually looking for the value of x Read the article

My Favorite Things

My Favorite Things

Personally, I think Julie Andrews holds to being an iconic figure in entertainment and music history. The Sound of Music is probably one of those movies you have to appreciate Julie in. That Maria is literally the OG Mary Poppins prior. Oh, and of course the plethora of music moments for days. 

It’s funny how at this time of year there’s more traditions that come about, but why not make things part of your daily as well? Keep things adventurous, or share a smile. Whatever you decide, start integrating a bit of happiness to your day and see...



In fashion, we are told how powerful the idea of a printed design can be a very personal notion for every single person. We are all different human beings with likes and dislikes. Consequently, we gravitate towards that gut feeling. 

Taking a step back after the initial launch of XVITALDESIGNS, I saw an opening in creating a dynamic motif that could be integrated into the Signature Series. By taking the existing logo and enhancing it through a frame the Art Deco motif was born. Formulating a patterned print enables you to look further through the shapes to...



Through this exploration I wanted to be able to keep a constant, yet iconic look and feel. Being able to convey a strong message needed to solidify the upbringings of XV. In doing so, the Signature Series was coming to life.

Let’s rewind back to the mid-90’s to my time in grade school. I think at a young age I began to grasp the concept of aesthetics through creative outlooks. I was particularly obsessed when it came to penmanship. Print, I guess for me, was played out and I anticipated learning cursive—a stepping stone that showed...